Tuesday, June 28, 2011

blogger award what

1) Say something about the person who gives you the award.
2) Write something about yourself and your aim with your blog.
3) Give the award to 9 bloggers you like! (don't forget to tell them!)

Got this from the wonderful miss wave! Thank you for being so sweet and reading my lulzy ramblings, though they stray into goofydom more often than naught. miss wave has been my friend since I somehow got my lulzy, gothy self stuck in university 4 years ago. When I saw her in my Japanese class, I never thought she'd be become one of my best friends. But we've had so many good times, I'm so glad she did! She's stylish, ambitious and bubbling with personality, and I only hope one day I can catch up with her blazing trail of awesome.

My aim with this blog was like a lot of the gal-bloggers on blogspot right now, I think. I started following gyaru fashion blogs during my study abroad and thought I'd give it a shot myself. Only, unlike the people I follow, I can't teach anything about gyaru fashion or trends, as I don't know enough, myself, spending all my money on lives and band goods, while wearing holes in my shoes and stockings. And there are so many styles I like, I'm not sure which one is for me. So the idea here was that I would develop a style for myself, using this blog, but I've never been good with staying on topic... /tldr

Nine bloggers I like! This is hard, because I never talk to most people I follow, haha (I'M FUCKING SHY OKAY... and a li'l drunk). Also, it seems most people I follow have already got this. But I'm gonna' list 'em anyway.

1) EЯI ♡ of ダイヤモンド★DЯEAM
Because her blog is glamorous and bright and full of cute things (from cats in the laundry to pretty nails)!

2) Jiroko of Going One's Own Sweet Way
Because she's funny and her life is awesome--or as her blog says, "at least I like to pretend it is". And hopefully she'll get a hint here and update more often.

3) Miss Caro-chan of F Yeah Lolita
Because she has a very witty, intelligent style of writing. Lots of humor, too. I'm not Lolita (with a dignified, capital L), of course, but I'm a fan of all kinds of styles, and if I were Lolita, she'd be my guru.

4) Natsu of ☆Egoist Life☆
Because she dresses cool like a rockstar, with great style, and she makes the most delicate, adorable cakes you've ever seen.

5) Jenny of sushi-cat.net
Because her blog is colorful, fun to read and updates frequently with cute photos and links to sites I get lost on for hours.

6) Rii of Utsukushii Gal
Because she always dresses cute and kind of rock, and posts lots of great photos.

7) Sara Mari of Moments Like Diamonds
Because of her gorgeous hair. And because she always dresses to the nines, writes interesting, picture-filled posts that keep me reading. And her One7Ways column, which is always so nice and well done.

8) Tori of Cherri Story
Because her pictures are great and she's a frequent updater, too. Lots of great posts here.

9) miss wave of hey there, dream chaser
I know you gave me this, but I don't care. YOU GET IT AGAIN. Hahaha

I will probably not tell most of those people ^ that I'm giving them this, because they already have it, but just for the sake of archiving... :D

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I was gonna' post about Paris today, but I'll do it next time, for real.

I don't really have much to say now, but I do have some photos.

I got the July issue of Ray. Not a magazine I typically look at, but for some reason (maybe its the hot, Georgia summer) a lot of the outfits and clothes I'm seeing featured in it are really appealing to me.

Came with a cute fan by Apuweiser-riche.

Like this completely poupee girl set up? lol

So many cute clothes perfect for this ridiculous weather. 
I usually feel so out-of-place in color, though, haha.

Love. This. Hair.

And I generally am accepting of all kinds of styles. But something about men in these awkwardly-rolled pants... :/

But of course, anything is cute on Yusuke.

And what is the purpose of white-soled shoes?

I guess I'm just not this mature yet.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trip Post 1/3: LONDON

pre-take off

Trip post!  Since I took 705 pictures, not including ones I took of my shiny new purchases once I got back, I decided to split this into three parts according to the three cities we visited.

On May 18th we headed off to London for four days. It was our 3rd trip here, so instead of conquering the historical hot spots, we decided to spend our four days primarily... shopping. :D

The drive from Gatwick is always kind of cute.
(once you get through the boring highway and pass the hub of AMERICAN SUPERMARKETS D:)

The drive up to our hotel on the Westminster Bridge. And the Mercedes 
hood ornament on the car, haha

Our hotel was--and I don't use this term for just anything--bitchin'. There was no view from our room, and they lost our luggage, but other than that... .

We walked out, sleep-deprived and dragging to snap some photos from the bridge
and around the Houses of Parliament.

Across the Thames.

Street sign 

Took this B&W from the London Eye.

What 23 year old child out there can really get enough candy?

 A random coordinate (2nd day):

Hotel room was so dark, it's hard to see this. ):

☆ Grey Knit Cardigan - Forever21 ☆
☆  Black Lace Dress - Forever21  ☆
☆   Gold-button Jeggings - Uniqlo   ☆
☆   Black Flats - American Eagle   ☆

Oh Rupert. 

Shopping on Oxford St, which I thought to be strangely like Shinjuku sanchome
...only covered in white people.

My Oxford St. gets! Surprised I only bought 4 items from Boots, from the amount of time I spent in there.

☆ Brown Oxford Flats
☆ Black Pointed Toe Flats
☆ Usamimi Hair Ties (leopard and roses)
☆ Graphic T's (a girl and some Tee-pees)
☆ Eco Tote

☆ Face Masks (Wild Strawberry and Roses&Witch Hazel)
☆ MINT CANDY bath and shower gel

I went into a lot of other places, but I only had about £50. XP

Loved our cool bathroom. They gave us Dead Sea bath salts, too, which I used nightly!

An obligatory Changing of the Guard photo.

We spent the day in Camden Town, too on day 3 or 4. Haggled with some very aggressive imitation brand sellers and pulled off an imitation Chanel bag (the most modest looking one) for cheap!

In Camden

Manly face

Bangers and mash! It was delicious.

There are a lot more (which I will put on Facebook), but this is getting out of hand, so day 4 has been trimmed down to one photo.

ILU, Russel Brand.

It was a lot of fun and definitely the city in which we had the best weather. Too bad I didn't have better footwear. Everywhere we went it seemed there was marble flooring, so I was giving out from foot pain + jet lag all the time it seemed. XD;

Next time, on to Paris! ミ☆

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MEIN KULI HAT GESTORBEN (und andere Tragödien)

How's it hangin'?

So really I got back on Monday the 30th, but I'm a lazy sod, and it seems since I've returned it's somehow gotten even worse. I guess it's a good thing I got out of school when I did, haha.

My trip was really nice and an excellent outlet for... shopping! I picked up a lot of cute things from Primark in London, finally got to see Versailles, and watched a woman nearly get mauled by a tram in Amsterdam. It was really a great trip, even though we were so tired most of the time (jet lag + my very non-sole-supporting footwear).

Oh yeah, and our coach actually did maul a rollerblader in London. I really hope that guy's ok, because it really didn't sound like it. D:

I will make a three part post about the trip, starting with London next time, to give it a nice break up over the three cities. Lots of photos (I took 705 in total) and pigeons on chairs.

I really haven't been up to much since I've been back though, aside from looking for a job and bumming around. I did see the new Pirates of the Caribbean (rather good, I thought) and a practically monologue performance of The Screwtape Letters in Atlanta (very witty and amusing). As well as make a few plans with some old high school friends.

I painted a belated birthday card for my sister, who is crazy about Harry Potter-- and luckily Snape, which I didn't know when I made the card. ヾ(゜∀゜*)人(*゜∀゜)ノ 

I like to take pictures of the process, so...

Just inked it and prepared. The crease is at the wand.

It's kind of grey if I don't adjust the brightness/contrast, but it looks super sloppy when I do.
Granted, I did get a bit sloppy on the classroom, but I was pushed for time. D:

I really wanted it to have a kind of amateur 3D effect when stood.

Oh Snape. ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)/

Also, actually seeing Versailles for real and coming home to watch one of my favorite films ever (Marie Antoinette) prompted purchasing some light reading material.

I'm really quite fond of history, so it should prove interesting. Perhaps I can review it when I finish.

Yaaaah. So now I set upon the journey to clean my room. Starting with this corner:

Which, too look at it, it looks rather innocent. Just a corner of harmless papers and binders that have been gathering dust (some of them) since high school, but it's not innocent. It is anything BUT.

Especially when it comes plagued with...

Books filled with narrative satires on my uninteresting high school life with the aid of movie screen shots.

Notebooks from the Dark Ages of elementary school passed between me and my friends. This entry is
particularly hilarifying. "What is this, the Silence of the Lambs?"

My 11th grade German journal detailing the various trials of life, one being this sympathetic Tragödie
about a girl whose pen died, entitled Mein Kuli Hat Gestorben oder auf Englisch, My Pen Died.

And photos of me as a little girl.

Methinks I married too young.

It's horrible, I tell you. I look and I read and I lawl, and I get nothing done.

Wishing you a much more productive life than mine.